PNG Tribal Foundation

Maggie Hunter from PNG Tribal Foundation

Today we had an interesting presentation from Maggie Hunter about the Tribal Foundation and its work in PNG.

Over the past 10 years, the foundation has successfully implemented a variety of high-impact projects that range from the delivery of $25M USD of medical supplies to a national campaign addressing gender-based violence and sorcery accusation-related violence. Their top priority is leadership development because they are passionate about nation transformation.

The foundation is working to change, through education & leadership training, many culturally accepted ideologies which justify the horrific treatment of women in some parts of PNG.

To find out more, go to

NYSF Student Thrilled with the Forum

We were grateful to our latest recipient of our NYSF sponsorship, Syriana, for coming along to our club on Friday to tell us how she went with the forum. To say she was thrilled is an understatement, with Syriana stating that it was quite possibly the best experience of her life!

From listening to the famed Dr Karl, to conducting CT scans on cauliflowers & seeing what happens when you put metal rings inside MRI machines, the fun never stopped.

Syriana said it was extremely rewarding to meet like-minded students & discuss their plans for the future: Uni preferences; further studies etc. She felt the experience had opened her mind to the myriad of possibilities for her future career path.

Syriana was extremely grateful to the Rotary Club of Buderim for sponsoring her as she felt that, without the support, she would not have been able to take advantage of this wonderful, life-changing opportunity.

Providing support each year to local STEM students wishing to attend the National Youth Science Forum, is something the Rotary Club of Buderim has been doing for many years. It is a very rewarding program & from which we gain a great deal of satisfaction.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in participating in this yearly event, contact our club, or go to the NYSF website, for more information.

Craft Cottage Art Sale Sausage Sizzle

Errol, Cath, Rick & David get the BBQ fired up.

A very relaxing evening in the gardens next to the Craft Cottage sizzling a few snags. With the added bonus of being able to browse the beautiful art works on display.

Thankyou to the Craft Cottage for inviting us (& for the wine :-)).

Tovertafel Demonstration

We enjoyed a very fun & interactive presentation today from Karolina Korykowska from Leef Independant Living Solutions. Karolina’s demonstration of the Tovertafel system had our members ‘virtually’ fishing, playing ‘catch’ with puppies, & (very competitively) playing soccer.

The Tovertafel 2 from Tover is a beautiful piece of interactive technology made to provide many moments of happiness to people living with dementia or an intellectual disability.

It is a beautiful innovation that helps connect people with each other and with their surroundings providing stimulation on three levels – social, cognitive, and physical. The Tovertafel also aims to improve conversation opportunities and self-esteem while helping them to interact in a positive way with other people and their environment.

Thankyou, Karolina, for a very enjoyable presentation.


Cathy, David & Annette enjoying displaying their culinary prowess at the MNC Community Day.

We always enjoy the opportunity to help out the Maroochy Neighborhood Centre when they’re in need of a couple of BBQ chefs extraordinaire. The camaraderie at these events, with staff & customers (& ourselves) is always an absolute pleasure.

Thanks for inviting us, Mark, & we look forward to the next one.


The crew: Annette, Joan, Rick, Ken, Clive, Lynne & Cathy

The Rotary Club of Buderim is involved in many local community events, but firing up the BBQ always guarantees a good time. Not only does it help out the organization holding the event, but it allows us to raise some funds which go back into our community support. It’s also pretty obvious that we enjoy ourselves.

Thankyou to everyone who supported us today at the Buderim Gardens open day. A wonderful day!

Dr Rachael Sharman

At today’s meeting we were privileged to have Dr Rachael Sharman, a senior lecturer and researcher in psychology at the University of the Sunshine Coast, specialising in child and adolescent development, conduct a fascinating presentation on the effects of excessive ‘screen time’ on children.

Prior to her career in academia, Dr Sharman worked for over 15 years in a variety of child-related fields including child protection, juvenile justice (forensics), disability, advocacy and genetic research.

Dr Sharman’s research is focused on the optimal and healthy development of the paediatric brain and she has published over 30 peer reviewed journal articles, two book chapters and is a volume editor for The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. Dr Sharman is a co-author with Assoc Prof Michael Nagel of “Becoming Autistic: How Technology is Altering the Minds of the Next Generation”

Dr Sharman is an enthusiastic and engaging public speaker with a weekly guest expert segment on ABC radio, and appears in a variety of media such as newspapers, magazines (including Time) and television (including news, The Project, SBS Insight).

The Platypus Whisperer

Today we had a very interesting presentation by Neil Andison, from ‘Platypus Whispers’. Neil has been studying & photographing the platypus in the Obi Creek at Maleny for over a decade, and has a wealth of knowledge of the animals themselves & their habits.

Neil conducts guided tours in the area which also is believed to contain over 10% of known plant species, over 25% of known mammal species (including the world’s only Monotremes, i.e. Platypus & Echidna), & over 50% of known bird species.

To organize a tour with Neil, phone 0412 518 952.

Dr Tegan Keogh Audiologist

Dr Tegan Keogh addresses our club meeting

Dr Tegan Keogh is a clinical audiologist with PHd qualifications & has published in international journals.

She has 20 years experience working with adults & children with hearing impairment. She currently guest lectures at Griffith Uni & is founding director of Hear Check, a local audiology practice in Maroochydore.

Tegan’s presentation was very interesting, with the club keen to invite her back for more information on this very interesting field of study & practice.


What a great day at the inaugural Jazz in The Park organized by the BWMCA. Thousands flocked out to enjoy the beautiful weather & fantastic music. No doubt this will become a highly anticipated yearly event.

The smell of sizzling sausages & onions must have got the taste buds tingling judging by the steady flow of locals lining up for a BBQ sausage.

We are so grateful to have the opportunity to be involved in these events because, not only does it allow us to raise funds which go back into our community to those in need, but we also have a great time! This is the reason we belong to the Rotary Club of Buderim, so that we can be involved in local events, help those in need, enjoy the camaraderie, & Oh yes, get front row seats!