NOV ’22

It must be just that time of the year because things just seem to be going at a slightly more hectic pace, and so it is for the Rotary Club of Buderim.

With our banners flying we braved the hungry hoards at the Mooloolaba Foreshore Festival to throw a few snags on the Barbie.  What a fantastic day and a great initiative by the chamber. There are certainly worse places to spend an afternoon.  We all enjoyed the well-earned beverage after the event.

Thank you to Buderim Gardens for inviting us to participate in their open day.  Again, the sausages were sizzling, but we still managed to find time to have a quick look at the great facilities there, browse the market stalls and take advantage of the free ice cream.

We were pleased to again be able to sponsor one of our local students to participate in the National Youth Science Forum ‘23.  This is a great initiative set up to support and encourage students with a leaning towards STEM subjects, and Rotary is very proud to have been sponsoring students since the program’s inception.  Each year the Rotary Club of Buderim sponsors one or two of our local students to participate.

Whilst our work in the community is obvious, many people are not aware of the support we provide to developing countries.  This week our club sent several Lifestraw water filtration systems to areas of Fiji where access to clean drinking water is still problematic.  These units are installed at various schools to ensure the students have clean, safe drinking water. 

The club always enjoys being able to support the Maroochy Neighborhood Centre with their open days.  The centre provides much-needed support to those in our community in need, and the Rotary Club of Buderim is proud to be a supporter, whether it’s cooking a BBQ for their Community Days as we did on the weekend, or supplying a computer for their homework program, or donating food supplies for struggling families.

And, of course, our Australia Day committee is hard at work planning this wonderful event on the Buderim calendar.  Next year’s celebration will be a show-stopper with a fantastic line up of talent, great food, licensed bar and fireworks to top the night off.  Don’t forget to mark your diaries!