Having scrubbed the hot plate and packed up the BBQ Trailer after Jazz in The Park in preparation for our next community event, the Members of Buderim Rotary have had a brief respite – brief!

Our Youth Director, Paul, has been canvassing our local schools to remind them that Rotary has amazing Youth Programs, of which our Club has a history of sponsoring the youth in our community interested in participating.  We are currently supporting three local students to attend the Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) next year.  RYPEN is a 2.5 day residential camp for students aged between 14-16 that focusses on the development of self-concept, relationships, and is designed to develop skills that will assist them in the transition to adulthood.  The feedback received from returning participants is extremely positive.

The Club is also, once again, sponsoring a local student to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF).  This is a Year 12 Program designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields. It is an immersive, week-long experience from which participants invariably return with a renewed passion for their STEM career pathway.

Apart from the satisfaction of knowing that our Club is supporting and encouraging our local youth, a great highlight for us is their club visit when they return. It is very rewarding.

We have had some interesting Guest Speakers at our meetings this month with presentations from Christine and Maureen from Dementia Alliance, and Brent Mickelberg who told us a little about himself and his journey into politics.  Both Brent, and our Members, were under strict instructions to keep it ‘apolitical’, which must have been somewhat refreshing for him. 

Socially, we had a wonderful trip up to Pomona to experience the amazing antics of Buster Keaton in the silent movie, ‘The Engineer’ (arguably one of the greatest train movies ever made), at the Pomona Majestic Theatre.  A very entertaining movie, and to continue the ‘heritage’ theme, 22 of us headed over to the beautiful, old Pomona Hotel for a delicious, country, pub meal, followed by coffee in the courtyard of a local café.  Pomona is a lovely town, and we certainly enjoyed our outing there.  The ‘Train’ theme must have inspired our Members, as a possible social outing on the Mary Vally Rattler is gaining momentum.

Fish & Chips at Mooloolaba on a Sunday evening is a regular social event for our Members.  As the weather warms up, these relaxing, outdoor, casual get-togethers are a wonderful way to end the weekend.  It’s fantastic having our newer Members, Peter and Malcolm, and their partners, actively participating in these events as every new Member adds a new dynamic to the club which is invigorating.  

But it’s not all fun and games as our Australia Day Committee is hard at work in preparation for next year’s Picnic in The Park.  We have amazing live entertainment booked (including M7, of course), delicious food vendors, community displays, facepainting, and a licensed bar.  Many people will remember the spectacular RAAF flypast from years past, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that their operational commitments will not exclude them from participating next year.

Whilst the Rotary Club of Buderim is a very friendly, social club, the principal motto of Rotary, ‘Service Above Self’ is always paramount in all we do and particularly in our service to our local Buderim community.  We are always on the look-out for new members to help us to continue this service, and visitors are welcome to attend our meetings to find out more.  Just contact us via our website so we can organize lunch for you.