MAY ’23


Last Friday our club proudly held our Vocational Excellence Award presentation event.  This event is close to the heart of our club as we pride ourselves on our commitment to our local Buderim community, and this provides us with the opportunity to recognize those committed to offering great service locally.  A full list of award recipients can be found on our website:  and our Facebook page.  Thankyou to everyone who took the time to nominate our outstanding locals, and huge accolades to the award recipients whose dedication to their vocations contribute significantly to our wonderful Buderim lifestyle.

This month we have been advertising the ‘Science Experience’, a 3-day program for year 9 and 10 students designed to provide those with an interest in science with an opportunity to engage in a wide range of fascinating science activities under the guidance of scientists who love their work.

The program takes place in over thirty-five universities and tertiary institutions, within many different laboratories and lecture theatres. Participants perform experiments in the laboratories, meet and hear senior lecturers in the lecture theatres, attend site visits and walk around and experience what it is like to be on the campus of a university or tertiary institution. More than 84,000 students have taken this rare opportunity, up to date.

The program also provides information about further studies in science, technology and engineering. It highlights the wide range of careers that allow students to pursue their interest and abilities in the sciences.

The Rotary Club of Buderim is proud to be sponsoring nine local students to participate.

We continue our support of the Buderim Mountain State School Breaky Club and the Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre Breaky for those either homeless or doing it extremely tough.  The MNC is in need of non-perishable food items as the demand on their services increases, and Buderim Rotary will be stepping up to help.  If your organization would also like to contribute, contact MNC.

The 1st of July is the beginning of a new Rotary year, and as this date approaches the clubs reflect on the year past and how they have been able to assist those in need and contribute to their communities, and internationally.  It is also a time to plan for the year ahead, and this is particularly when we canvass our local communities for new members.  Each new member adds a new dimension to the club, with fresh ideas, skills and enthusiasm.  To enable our clubs to continue doing the great work they do in the community, we need these new members, so if it something that you are considering, now’s the time to put your hand up to help!