It seems we have a club of passionate travellers with all and sundry heading off into the sunset to try their luck at ‘Dodge the Dreaded Covid’ while we stalwarts hold the fort. We have such a transient membership that we find it amazing there is still a general belief that Rotary membership requires weekly attendance. Those days are well and truly gone, with the current obligation being ‘we love having you here, so make it when you can’.
August and September are shaping up to be great fund-raising months with Bunnings graciously bestowing us with lots of BBQs. Not only are these fun to do (despite the ringing of “one with and one without” for several hours after the event), but they are a great way for us to raise funds which help us to continue the work we do for the community. Our club does have a reputation for culinary excellence when it comes to BBQ cooking (I’m sure), possibly because of our ‘Hatted Chef’, Keith (photo attached). Keith’s prowess with tongs and a hot plate is unsurpassed.

Whilst on the subject of BBQs, we are extremely grateful to Tegan at Hear Check Maroochydore for sponsoring our spiffy, new aprons. Gone is the mish-mash of faded, oil-stained ‘pinnies’ as we are now sporting very stylish, navy aprons emblazoned with our gold logo for all the world to see. Thankyou Tegan and Hear Check, your generosity is very much appreciated.

If you would like to see us in all our apron-clad splendour, as well as experience the awe-inspiring culinary expertise of our Hatted Chef, don’t forget to head to BWMCAs ‘Jazz in The Park’ on Sunday the 29th September and grab one of our delicious hamburgers. Oh, and the music is not to be missed!
Planning is well underway for next years Australia Day Picnic in The Park. We aim for this wonderful community event to be dynamic, with each year building on the previous year’s obvious successes, and adapting where appropriate to avoid a hackneyed, ‘same-old-same-old’ event. The aim is to provide a wonderfully entertaining event for our local community to join together in celebration of Australia. Bring it on!
Buderim Rotary has a proud history of supporting our local youth by providing sponsorship and support for successful applicants to attend the various Rotary Youth programs. These are life-changing opportunities for our young people to develop leadership skills at various workshops and retreats, or further pursue their passion for STEM subjects in senior school. One of the highlights of our meetings is to have these successful applicants speak to the club on their return. Our Youth Director, David, is currently accepting applications.
Our club has been approached through our new International Director, Peter, to assist in the shipping of books to disadvantages schools in Fiji. We have readily agreed as we have a proud history of supporting remote areas in Fiji for many years with the provision of Lifestraws, particularly for those schools without access to fresh water.
Considering the above, it appears that those members manning the fort are doing a pretty stellar job; however, the more members we have, the easier it is, and the more we can achieve. Just saying…