Chris Scott – Egypt Adventure

At today’s meeting Chris Scott did us the honor of being our Guest Speaker once again. We always enjoy Chris’s presentations as they are entertaining as well as informative.

Chris is the Executive Director of Volunteering Qld, & has spoken to us previously about his role in the organization & the service they provide. However, his presentation today was about his recent trip to Egypt which was of interest to those members who had visited there, & those planning on going – & those NOW planning on going. His enthusiasm for the amazing landscape & spectacular structures was evident & made for a great presentation.

Thanks Chris & we look forward to getting a recap on your next adventure!


We always enjoy having our newer members as Guest Speaker as it gives us an opportunity to learn more about them.

We were honored to have Jan Lawton join our club recently as she is an outstanding Rotarian who has contributed so much to the organization & is a shining example of ‘Service Above Self’.

Jan had been a member of Woombye/Palmwoods for 28 years, as well as being President 8 times, before the club’s recent closure. She has an extensive Rotary career including being Assistant Governor for 3 years, Area Governor for 2, as well as several Chair positions at District level.

Jan has received the coveted Paul Harris Fellow award 5 times & is also the recipient of the Rotary International Citation for Avenues of Service.

Proud to have you as a member of our club, Jan.

2024 Handover Dinner

Last night the #rotaryclubofbuderim had their Handover event where the existing President hands over the reigns to the new President & Board Members who will lead us through the coming year.
As usual, Anthony & Fiona at Piccalilli’s in Buderim amazed us with how they managed to serve up a delicious 3-course meal, with perfect timing, with just the two of them. These guys are incredible!

As outgoing President, Clive, presented his report, it was very satisfying to recap on how our club has contributed to our local community & how the fellowship within the club continues to thrive.

Congratulations to Joan Jackson & Ken Grant for both receiving the Paul Harris Fellow Award. Deserving accolades for two people who work tirelessly for Rotary. Their contribution to our club, & our community, is commendable. Well done guys!

Lynne Phillips receives the Les Day Award

Accolades also to Lynne Phillips on being presented with the Les Day award. Lynne is one of the original members of #buderimrotary & the contribution she has made to the club over the years is unsurpassed. Well done Lynne Phillips!

Our Members are very excited about the year ahead under the guidance of new President Ken Grant. Ken’s positivity, enthusiasm & strong work ethic stand us in good stead for an excellent year.

If you’re looking for a way to become more involved in our local community, or simply wanting to develop friendships, joining Rotary could be just the ticket! If you like the idea of ‘Socializing with a Purpose’, come along to one of our meetings & see what we’re all about. Now is the perfect time as we start the new Rotary year. New Members are our lifeblood.

Contact us today

For more photos….


Destiny Rescue’s  mission is to rescue children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and help them stay free.

Friday’s presentation by Greg Bradley was confronting.

Greed and the brokenness of this world create a demand for the sale and purchase of human bodies. Socioeconomic, psychological and physical factors can expose vulnerabilities in an individual, family or community. Using force, fraud or coercion, traffickers take advantage of a child or community’s vulnerabilities to meet the demand for sold sex and profit off it.

Day and night, agents work relentlessly to search for children trapped in sex trafficking and exploitation and bring them to freedom. In the pursuit of children, the agents are often given the opportunity to rescue adults out of labor and sex trafficking situations too.

A child’s continued safety and healing journey is just as important as the act of rescue. The process of keeping her free starts immediately after her rescue by meeting whatever needs she has to allow her to take the first steps toward freedom. After rescue, a survivor’s next steps are determined based on his or her unique situation including the vulnerabilities that lead to exploitation and local legal procedure. A survivor’s next steps follow one of three paths:

Enrolment in an individualised Destiny Rescue Freedom Plan™  implemented in a Destiny Rescue-run residential home or through our Community Care program, which enables the child to live at home while participating in our services. Freedom Plans include health checks, trauma resilience training and economic empowerment solutions.

Reunification with family, which may include international travel, accommodation curation and assistance with legal documentation. In some cases, we can follow up with survivors in the months after reunification.

Entrusted to government agencies and their standard processes, or another local organisation offering appropriate services. Follow-up in these circumstances is limited as organisations and governments work to protect children and their privacy.

The work that Destiny Rescue does is impressive and we thank Greg for his informative presentation.


At Friday’s meeting our Club was happy to welcome back Chris Scott as our Guest Speaker. At his previous visit, as CEO of Volunteering Sunshine Coast, Chris told us about the organization and the role it plays here on the Coast. Chris is a great presenter and we were keen to have him return.

Since we saw him last, Chris has trekked the Kokoda Trail and gave a fascinating presentation on his adventure including a brief history of Kokoda. He had plenty of photos and our Members thoroughly enjoyed his presentation.

President Clive thanks Chris with an invitation to return as our guest

He has since visited Egypt and has committed to coming back to tell us about that adventure.

Thankyou Chris, we look forward to hearing about Egypt!


Our Club sponsored Story Dog

Yesterday we had the privilege of a visit from a couple of Storydogs & their handlers. Rotary Club of Buderim is proud to be sponsoring 2 dogs & very happy to support this wonderful program which aims to encourage a life-long passion for reading in young children.

The recent publicity about Australia’s dismal literacy statistics has reinforced our commitment to supporting our local youth. From programs such as Story Dogs to providing driver awareness training, financial assistance to secondary students to enhance their career aspirations or develop their leadership potential, or support postgrad students to continue their studies. Our Youth Programs are designed to encourage & support young people to become responsible, successful adults.

RYDA 2024

Buderim Rotary RYDA Team 2024

The Rotary Club of Buderim has a proud history of supporting our local youth, and our ongoing support of the RYDA driver training program is valued highly by our members. This week our members headed to Nambour to once again help facilitate this very important workshop.

RYDA is a program that provides students with the tools, habits and motivation to take action and stay safe on our roads as both drivers and passengers throughout their lives.

RYDA features a highly engaging and memorable one-day workshop which front-loads students’ understanding of road safety. The workshop sessions are designed to be held in small classroom sized groups (approximately 25 students) and are led by a team of trained facilitators including Police, driving instructors and other community sector specialists such as Rotarians.


President Clive & Dr Amanda Boyes

We were very lucky to have Dr Amanda Boyes BPsychSc/BCCJ (Hons) Griff., BSocSc(Psych)(Hons) Sunshine Coast, PhD Sunshine Coast Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Youth Mental Health) Thompson Institute from USC as our Guest Speaker on Friday.

A postdoctoral research fellow and team leader on the Longitudinal Adolescent Brain Study (LABS) at the Thompson Institute. Her PhD project investigated neurobiological markers of resilience in early adolescence, with a focus on the brain’s subcortical grey matter volume.

Amanda’s psychology honours project investigated the relationship between the brain’s cortical thickness, cognition and psychological distress in early adolescence.

She is involved in a range of research activities on LABS, including participant assessments, ethics, data analysis and writing journal articles. She is also active in LABS neuroimaging data auditing and processing.

Amanda has been recognised for her work with significant awards including the UniSC Vice-Chancellor and President’s Award for Excellence in Service.

A very interesting presentation enjoyed by all.


President Clive with NYSF Recipient, Elizabeth

Whilst we have a lot of very interesting guest speakers at our meetings, it’s the recipients of our various Youth programs sponsorship that really make us proud. None more so than this week’s speaker, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is a passionate STEM student with a focus on chemistry, and so was very keen to attend the National Youth Science Forum, and Buderim Rotary was proud to be able to sponsor her to attend.

While Elizabeth was able to attend some amazing workshops, some of which were relevant to her interest area of forensic science, she was particularly fascinated with the ‘Science Communication’ facility, an area in which she had not had previous exposure & now sparked a new interest.

The Club was particularly chuffed at the fact that Elizabeth has now broadened her ideas for her future studies having come to the realization that there is so many more interesting fields worthy of pursuing, and tertiary institutions further afield.

We wish her the best of luck with her future endeavors & are very proud to have been able to play a small part in her career aspirations.


Our History…

Members, Family & Friends Past & Present celebrating 30 years of dedicated Rotary Service

On the 7Th March 2024 Members, Family & Friends of Buderim Rotary came together to celebrate 30 years of ‘Service Above Self’. Four of the remaining original Members, Graeme Ensoll, Gloria Duce, Paul Tanner, Bob Acaster & Lynne Phillips did the honors of cutting the cake.

Much of the longevity of the Club is due to the hard work of the various presidents over the years.

For more of our Club’s history, click on the flipbook above

And here’s to another 30 years!