Our guest speaker at yesterday’s meeting was Mal Cayley from Homes for Everyone.

An expert in his field, Mal has decades of experience when it comes to property and real estate. He uses defined skills acquired through his extensive military background as an Army Intelligence Officer to deeply analyze data and information to form strategic research on what is happening in the current and future property markets.

Mal Cayley from Homes for Everyone addresses our meeting

His ability to correctly predict what others can’t by drilling into data and observing trends has cemented Mal as a market intelligence specialist across all mediums of media. Mal is passionate about using his research and knowledge to drive positive change for the community, by educating both residents and all levels of government on how we can best plan for the future to ensure our way of life is preserved while accommodating the masses predicted to move to the Sunshine Coast. 

Mal is the Director, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Research at the Direct Collective and Founder and Lead Advocate for the Homes for Everyone initiative.

We’re all aware of the housing crisis, but to hear it quantified, & short-term predictions based on the statistics, is quite alarming.

When asked what we could do to help, Mal encouraged us all to take 15 seconds to go on to the Homes for Everyone website and register our concern over the housing crisis existing here on the Sunshine Coast. With enough concern shown, Mal believes that the local, state & federal authorities will start considering real, practical solutions rather than simple, ineffective, political Band-Aids.