2024 Handover Dinner

Last night the #rotaryclubofbuderim had their Handover event where the existing President hands over the reigns to the new President & Board Members who will lead us through the coming year.
As usual, Anthony & Fiona at Piccalilli’s in Buderim amazed us with how they managed to serve up a delicious 3-course meal, with perfect timing, with just the two of them. These guys are incredible!

As outgoing President, Clive, presented his report, it was very satisfying to recap on how our club has contributed to our local community & how the fellowship within the club continues to thrive.

Congratulations to Joan Jackson & Ken Grant for both receiving the Paul Harris Fellow Award. Deserving accolades for two people who work tirelessly for Rotary. Their contribution to our club, & our community, is commendable. Well done guys!

Lynne Phillips receives the Les Day Award

Accolades also to Lynne Phillips on being presented with the Les Day award. Lynne is one of the original members of #buderimrotary & the contribution she has made to the club over the years is unsurpassed. Well done Lynne Phillips!

Our Members are very excited about the year ahead under the guidance of new President Ken Grant. Ken’s positivity, enthusiasm & strong work ethic stand us in good stead for an excellent year.

If you’re looking for a way to become more involved in our local community, or simply wanting to develop friendships, joining Rotary could be just the ticket! If you like the idea of ‘Socializing with a Purpose’, come along to one of our meetings & see what we’re all about. Now is the perfect time as we start the new Rotary year. New Members are our lifeblood.

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