Destiny Rescue’s  mission is to rescue children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and help them stay free.

Friday’s presentation by Greg Bradley was confronting.

Greed and the brokenness of this world create a demand for the sale and purchase of human bodies. Socioeconomic, psychological and physical factors can expose vulnerabilities in an individual, family or community. Using force, fraud or coercion, traffickers take advantage of a child or community’s vulnerabilities to meet the demand for sold sex and profit off it.

Day and night, agents work relentlessly to search for children trapped in sex trafficking and exploitation and bring them to freedom. In the pursuit of children, the agents are often given the opportunity to rescue adults out of labor and sex trafficking situations too.

A child’s continued safety and healing journey is just as important as the act of rescue. The process of keeping her free starts immediately after her rescue by meeting whatever needs she has to allow her to take the first steps toward freedom. After rescue, a survivor’s next steps are determined based on his or her unique situation including the vulnerabilities that lead to exploitation and local legal procedure. A survivor’s next steps follow one of three paths:

Enrolment in an individualised Destiny Rescue Freedom Plan™  implemented in a Destiny Rescue-run residential home or through our Community Care program, which enables the child to live at home while participating in our services. Freedom Plans include health checks, trauma resilience training and economic empowerment solutions.

Reunification with family, which may include international travel, accommodation curation and assistance with legal documentation. In some cases, we can follow up with survivors in the months after reunification.

Entrusted to government agencies and their standard processes, or another local organisation offering appropriate services. Follow-up in these circumstances is limited as organisations and governments work to protect children and their privacy.

The work that Destiny Rescue does is impressive and we thank Greg for his informative presentation.