What a great meeting we had today: induction of a new member & a very interesting guest speaker.

IMP Lynne, New Member Paul & President Clive

Our club readily welcomed Paul Marek as our newest Member. Paul has already been contributing to Club life by helping out at our Jazz in The Park BBQ, as well as putting in a stellar performance as OC Vegemite Toast at our Buderim Mountain SS Breaky Club assistance.

Paul is our 3rd new member in the past few months, &, along with the others, adds a welcome new dimension to Club life. New members create a dynamic atmosphere. Welcome Paul!

Adam Barrett, Director of BMSS OSHC & President Clive

Our Guest Speaker, Adam Barrett, is the Director of Buderim Mountain SS OSHC, & his presentation on what an integral part of the school system OSHC is, & the vital support it offers families at the school was very interesting. A recent audit audit of the program confirmed how lucky we are to have Adam & his team providing this service.

Adam is also a foster carer, & the brief glimpse he gave us into some of the tragic circumstances surrounding children entering in to this system was heartbreaking. It is wonderful to know that people of Adam’s caliber are providing a stable, loving family life to some of these children, offering them the chance of a very fulfilling, happy & successful future.